
3 Ways to create a distraction-free home office in your garden

How have you found working from home? Have you actually enjoyed it? Have you got more work done? Would you like to continue living the laptop lifestyle? If you’ve become a fan of WFH maybe now’s the time to commit & create a home office for yourself…


My little vintage caravan project – renovating the crumbling door

It’s been a while since I posted any updates on my little vintage caravan makeover but that doesn’t mean it’s been put on hold. While a lot of work has already been done, there’s still a lot more to do – some of it rather more practical than aesthetic. Here’s what I’ve been up to…


My little vintage caravan – a new (permanent!) place to park it

I’m finally making a start on my garden. This will be the second summer we’ve lived in our house and last year was completely taken up with renovating the interior. But now my attention has turned to the garden and the landscaping I’d like to do out there. But what about my little vintage caravan, I hear you ask? It’s very much at the centre of my garden design and here’s why… 

Art & Photography

DIY Polaroid bunting project

I once lost a whole load of photos when my mobile phone died. It was before the days of the ‘cloud’ (which I’m still not


My bonfire night photos as promised!

Just a quick post this afternoon to share my photos from bonfire night as promised in last week’s post! The plan on ‘actual’ bonfire night


My little vintage caravan project ~ Floored or flawed?

You may have noticed in my last blog post about the caravan that there was a roll of carpet plonked in the middle of my seating area. And the even-more eagle eyed of you will have noticed that I’ve painted my inner wheel-arch cover with a dark pink shade. This was in preparation for laying the carpet!


My little vintage caravan project ~ Ice cream colours

This week I’ve moved on to the interior of the caravan and I’ve cracked open a few old tins of paint from the garage to see what colours I already had (I am trying to fix up my caravan on a budget after all).