
Home & DIY

If you need inspiration for your making your house a home, but have a budget to stick to, you’ve come to the right place.

I too want to be as frugal as possible with the money I invest in my home. I’ve remodelled my own fixer-upper and have shared all the dos and don’ts along the way

Browse through my DIY posts and upcyling projects room-by-room to get advice on renovating your home, inspiration for revamping furniture, and discover thrifty ways to decorate on a budget…



How to make a DIY pallet bench for your garden

Ahh isn’t it nice when the sun shines? Don’t you just want to sit out in the garden and watch the world go by? Here are some ideas for making your own bench (using pallets – a big win for upcycling!) and finding lovely garden furniture if you’re on a budget…


My bathroom renovation: How to fit a shower over a freestanding tub

When you’ve got a freestanding bath, it can be difficult to find a shower solution to fit. But you don’t need to install a separate cubicle; today I’m sharing the research I’ve done for my own bathroom to show you that there are many ways to add a shower over your luxurious tub… 


Top 5 small garden improvements

A small garden doesn’t mean it can’t be stylish and functional. Working with what you’ve got, these easy improvements will make a big difference and


5 Quick kerb appeal ideas for your home

Here are some ideas to improve the kerb appeal of your home in order to increase your enjoyment of your new house, or to maximise the value when it comes to selling your property…


5 Easy bathroom updates on a budget

Think you’re stuck with your old, dingy bathroom until you have thousands of pounds to spend on a full remodel? That doesn’t have to be


Thrifty nursery makeover & DIY mountain wall mural

Remember when I shared a video on painting a mountain mural for a child’s bedroom? Well today is the finished ‘room tour’ with all the little bits and bobs that turned a spare room into baby’s haven…

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