
Home & DIY

If you need inspiration for your making your house a home, but have a budget to stick to, you’ve come to the right place.

I too want to be as frugal as possible with the money I invest in my home. I’ve remodelled my own fixer-upper and have shared all the dos and don’ts along the way

Browse through my DIY posts and upcyling projects room-by-room to get advice on renovating your home, inspiration for revamping furniture, and discover thrifty ways to decorate on a budget…



3 Home and garden maintenance tasks to tackle in the autumn

After a long summer relaxing at home and in the garden there will no doubt be a few maintenance tasks that need doing. Some can be added to your spring cleaning list, but others would be good tackle now to keep you safe & happy over the winter months…


10 Easy upcycling ideas for national Recycle Week

Seeing as the majority of items in my home & wardrobe are second-hand (or rescued from a skip), Recycle Week gives me a chance to shout about all the fab things you can make from unwanted furniture or waste materials – such as these fun upcycling DIYs…


House tour of stylist Tamsyn Morgans’ fairytale vintage home

When I first discovered stylist and photographer Tamsyn Morgans, I was blown away by her beautiful images and fairy-tale-esque interiors. Today I’m sharing a house tour of Tamsyn’s home on my blog so read on to step inside her whimsical, vintage world…


House tour of pattern designer Rachael Taylor’s vibrant home

After having the pleasure of writing about surface pattern designer & illustrator Rachael Taylor’s home, I just knew that her vibrant interior & gorgeous garden would inspire you to inject some colour into your own home. Check out this exciting house tour:


Seven tips for restoring and renovating a period home

While writing about home restorations for Reclaim magazine, I’ve heard many stories from homeowners who uncovered problems during their property renovation. Here are some handy tips for renovating a Victorian, Edwardian or Georgian home…


Why I love using vintage record players and radios in my home

There’s something really soothing about listening to an LP on a vintage record player. Likewise, I quite like the occasional crackle of an analogue radio tuned into my local station. Here’s why you should include retro music players in your home…


My little vintage caravan project – renovating the crumbling door

It’s been a while since I posted any updates on my little vintage caravan makeover but that doesn’t mean it’s been put on hold. While a lot of work has already been done, there’s still a lot more to do – some of it rather more practical than aesthetic. Here’s what I’ve been up to…


Quick and easy lap tray makeover with wood-effect adhesive vinyl

If you’re using a lap tray for your lunch or to hold snacks during film night, it’ll probably get sticky & icky quickly. Even after wiping them down regularly & being careful with spills, they still ended up with little stains & grease marks on the surface. Here’s how to give a lap tray a quick makeover with self-adhesive vinyl…

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