My mini kitchen makeover – DIY peg bag sewing project + carrier bag dispenser
I’ve been working on turning my tiny kitchen into a more habitable room for a couple of months now and if you’ve been following my progress
If you need inspiration for your making your house a home, but have a budget to stick to, you’ve come to the right place.
I too want to be as frugal as possible with the money I invest in my home. I’ve remodelled my own fixer-upper and have shared all the dos and don’ts along the way
Browse through my DIY posts and upcyling projects room-by-room to get advice on renovating your home, inspiration for revamping furniture, and discover thrifty ways to decorate on a budget…
I’ve been working on turning my tiny kitchen into a more habitable room for a couple of months now and if you’ve been following my progress
Did you know it’s National Wallpaper Week? After seeing lots of wallpaper project blog posts and fabulous pins appearing on Pinterest all week, I’ve been
Whether you’re hoping to make your house more saleable for an imminent move, or simply wish add value to your home for the future, today’s
It’s easy to swoon over the beautiful rooms in interior design magazines, dribble over perfectly styled images by designers on Instagram, and fall in love with professional decorating projects on Pinterest. However, recreating even the most simple interior design project can be difficult to achieve in your own home…
Did you know it’s World Smile Day today? I can’t think of a nicer event! It’s got me thinking about the things that make me
I’ve finally found it. The finishing touch to my Mid-Century Modern living room. It’s been on my radar for years and I’ve lusted after similar
This week the weather started to feel decidedly autumnal. We’ve had a couple of very cold mornings – I can’t quite say frosty… yet! – and the
In honour of my favourite TV show “The Great British Bake-Off” I’ve created a simple DIY project to create a dedicated “Bake Station” in your
After a few weeks of doing little DIY projects here and there, the kitchen makeover is finally coming together. After we painted the walls a classy shade
As one of my favourite interior designers, I was delighted when Celia Sawyer offered to write a guest post for my wonderful readers. The ‘Four
When it comes to relaxation, the key is ensuring you get a night of quality sleep consistently. So how is this possible? Well, to put
It’s been a rather productive summer in the Cassiefairy household. All those little DIY tasks that I’ve been putting off for months (okay, years) have
I really couldn’t believe it when an email dropped into my inbox telling me that I’d been shortlisted in the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2015!
Yay for summer and whoop for BBQ season! It’s finally time to drag out the barbecue, scrub down the grill and fire up the coals.
The summer holidays have arrived! And with them come the opportunity to spend some time at home and get started on a couple of decorating
And I mean ‘mini’ in both senses – it’s a mini room and I’m on a budget so it’ll be a mini makeover. I’ve actually
Over the past few months I’ve shared a few blog posts about my bathroom makeover and today I wanted to show you the ‘finished’ room.
The night sky has always fascinated me. From staying up late to watch Patrick Moore on The Sky At Night as a child to getting far too excited about Stargazing Live as an adult, I’ve always had a ‘thing’ for stars. Couple that with my love of maps and you’ve got one excited geek on your hands!
Oh what a lovely weekend this is proving to be. The weather has been glorious and yesterday I spent the whole day in the garden with
You can never have too much storage, right? Especially if you’re like me and you’re forever picking up cute little thingmebobs at car boot sales
On the last day of April I wrote about my mini greenhouse makeover and today I wanted to share with you the progress of our plants.
Sunshine, bumble bees and watering cans. Yes, I spent all of last weekend in the garden, tending my veggie patch and chilling out with my
Over recent weeks you may have noticed that some changes are afoot in the Cassiefairy household, particularly in the bedroom. The eagle-eyed of you might
This week my new blinds arrived. Did you hear me whooping from where you are? I was thrilled when they were delivered at the weekend because,
It’s Hug Your Cat Day! No, I didn’t know such a day existed either until I googled it earlier this week. As if I need an excuse to
The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house; it’s the one room that guests are guaranteed to see when they come
Please excuse the predictable title, but what else would I name a blog post about grey bedding?? As you may have noticed from my previous blog
I’ve been thinking about decorating my bedroom. Ever since the ‘spring clean’ of 2015 I realised that the paintwork on the walls is not in
I once lost a whole load of photos when my mobile phone died. It was before the days of the ‘cloud’ (which I’m still not
When does decorating your home turn into degree-level research? The moment that we hone in on a particular design or era, we all suddenly become
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