
Search Results for: night in – Page 5


One week, no jeans challenge

We all have a style uniform, don’t we? A particular style of outfit that you pull on day-in-day-out without really thinking about it. For me, it’s comfy jeans combined with a jumper in winter and the same jeans rolled up with a t-shirt in the summer. I reach for my skinny jeans

party ideas

Celebrating the BAFTAs & red carpet style

Red carpets, high glamour, cocktails and luxury food. And that was just at my house! Last night was the BAFTA ceremony in London and the excitement has spread all the way to my little home in East Anglia where we had an enjoyable little party at home. Of course, it’s ‘my

Hen parties

Guest post: How to be a good bridesmaid

Your bestie finally asked — you’re going to be a bridesmaid! The next few months (or even years) are going to be a whirlwind of planning, preparation and parties. If you’re going to go down in history as the best bridesmaid ever, you’ll need to up your game. While I’m

Days Out

York Castle Museum – Shaping the Body exhibition

The eagle-eyed of you may have spotted that I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I was away on holiday in Yorkshire last week. So this week I wanted to tell you all about my trip to York and share some photos of a fantastic exhibition that I went to. It


Tuesday Shoesday – Payday party style on a budget

It can be hard to find the right pair of party shoes to suit your overall style. You want them to be on-trend yet timeless, match your party outfit but go with everything, and ultimately, be comfortable enough to dance the night away. But where can you find all of

Special Occasions

Mother’s Day treats & ideas

With only one week until Mother’s Day it’s time to get organising some treats for mum. I’ve been thinking about what to do for mum for about a month now and I can’t wait to take her out for the day (but it would be spoiling the surprise if I told you

Map Geek

Map Mondays – The Grandest Views exhibition, Keswick

Welcome back to my new weekly ‘map geek’ feature. Yes, I’m launching ‘Map Mondays’ here on the Cassiefairy blog because it turns out that I’m a huge map nerd and I’m sure I can’t be the only out there who really enjoys studying travel guides and decorating with maps. I


Spruce up your garden in time for Easter

There are so many ways in which you can utilise your home and garden to get the best from it without having to spend a fortune. Here are a few ways in which you can make the most out of your garden for both yourselves and your little ones.


Making plans for a Valentine’s Day to remember

This week I’ve started planning a special Valentine’s trip away with my husband and we are getting more and more excited about it each time we add a special meal or activity to the plan. It all started with the idea of making a visit to the Blackpool Tower Ballroom,


DIY night in at the movies for Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s day fast approaching I’ve come up with a simply DIY gift that you can easily make for your loved ones with time to spare. This gift is a ‘Night in at the Movies’ and includes all the snacks, treats and DVDs that you’d need to enjoy a night


Interior design inspiration for cosy winter homes

Most of the year I want my rooms to look more spacious, clean and bright. But when winter looms, I suddenly get the urge to start decorating in stronger colours and wishing that rooms were smaller and more cosy. Have you ever noticed how snuggly you feel when you’re in


Interior design inspiration for cosy winter bedrooms

At this time of year I want to make my bedroom feel as cosy as possible. But I’m not quite ready to go all-out with a Christmas duvet cover. So what’s the compromise? How do you create a warm, festive atmosphere in your bedroom without turning it into Santa’s grotto?


My top 5 winter wardrobe essentials

As I’m sat at my computer writing this blog post there is actually frost on the ground, I needed to defrost my car this morning, and I’ve got the fire blazing in the living room. It’s definitely feeling wintery out there and that can only mean one thing; time for some new

Art & Photography

My photos of the “Blood Moon” supermoon lunar eclipse

I only heard about the supermoon lunar eclipse when my brother mentioned it to me on Saturday night. I always seem to hear about these big celestial events just after they’ve happened so it was a real treat to be able to experience it for myself this time. I did


Great dogs for active people

I love dogs. Even though I’m currently a cat-mummy and have filled my Instagram feed with photos of my furr-babies, I’m also a big fan of dogs. I think people usually describe themselves as being a ‘cat person’ or a ‘dog person’ but I am most definitely both. I can’t


Preparing your bedroom for Santa’s visit!

Happy Christmas Eve eve everyone! What have you been up to today? I’ve done my last bit of food shopping (well, I can’t go without sausages rolls for Christmas!) and was surprised to find that it wasn’t too crazy in town today, thank goodness! Now I’m back at home, my

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – Spooky Shoes

The spookiest month of the year is upon us. The stores are full of scary costumes and frightful decorations, so there’s no denying that Halloween is on its way. Until I became I student I never really celebrated Halloween but once I realised that this was the ultimate fancy dress night


Festive touches for your bathroom

Now that it’s nearly December (where did November go?!) I think I can legitimately go OTT with Christmas blog posts! In fact, I’ve just added a few festive touches to my home while taking advantage of all the high street sales and online discounts. Yes, this week I picked up


My money-saving tips for students

It wasn’t too long ago that I was starting university. I packed up a car with all my worldly goods and moved myself to the other side of the country to start a new life 5 hours away from home. I remember those first few weeks when all I worried about


Tuesday Shoesday – Winter sale shoes

Today  I wanted to share a quick round-up all of the sales and deals on footwear that I’ve spotted online and on the high street this week. There are plenty of seasonal discounts available at this time of year and you can even snap up some sandals ready for next


Why quality bedding can help you get a good night’s sleep

When it comes to relaxation, the key is ensuring you get a night of quality sleep consistently. So how is this possible? Well, to put it simply, it’s always best to seek out the best quality bedding you can. This is really where it all starts…


My little vintage caravan ~ Pillows & cushions

Before the summer holidays were out, I fully intended to sleep in my caravan and camp out for a couple of nights while the weather is good. In fact, it’s sometimes a little too hot to sleep indoors so I thought that a night in the caravan would be ideal


Taking care of your cats during the winter

Autumn and winter are not just difficult times for us human, with dropping temperatures, sniffles and dark days, our pets sometimes suffer more in the winter too so today I’ve put together a little blog post about taking care of your furry friends this season. Of course, I want my

Anniversary parties

Best wedding & party songs of all-time

Weddings and parties are wonderful occasions. If you talk to practically anyone about their favourite experiences the chances are, somebody’s wedding day or anniversary party will be on that list. I’ve been to a couple of weddings already this year and the best part was dancing the night away with

party ideas

Cherry good cocktail recipes

At this time of year I really enjoy having nights in with my friends, watching cheesy Saturday-night TV and enjoying a good home-cooked meal. We also like to mix up the occasional cocktail and this week I tried out a new ingredient for our evening cocktails: cherry juice. When I


Autumn/Winter Menswear – Styling a tweed jacket three ways

With the Autumn/Winter season in full swing, I thought that today would be a good time to share a menswear styling post with you. As you know, I’m a rather thrifty girl and I like to come up with ways to style my clothing to create many different looks from


Map Geek – Constellation charts

The night sky has always fascinated me. From staying up late to watch Patrick Moore on The Sky At Night as a child to getting far too excited about Stargazing Live as an adult, I’ve always had a ‘thing’ for stars. Couple that with my love of maps and you’ve


My favourite reads + ‘Swing Dance’ book review

November is here and you know what that means. Not only is the countryside is looking particularly glorious with golden leaves and harvest fruits on the trees, but it also means that Christmas is on its way! Which you can probably guess from my festive blog posts last month is something


My top tips for Christmas budgeting & saving

In our house the countdown to Christmas has begun. Not only am I super-excited that my favourite time of year is less than 10 weeks away, but I’m preparing myself in a thrifty sense too. We all know that the cost of Christmas can soon add up so this month I’ve


Choosing the right party dress for your body shape

Okay I’m know I’m kind of skipping over Halloween and Bonfire Night, but I’m already so excited about the upcoming festive season. I think it started last week when I opened my first presents of the year as part of a Secret Santa gift exchange. Ever since, I’ve been thinking about


What to wear to a winter wedding 2014

We all know I’m a fan of a good dress. Any time that I’m shopping online or in the stores, I always head straight to the dress section and simply cannot resist a well-fitting, figure-flattering dress. There are so many different lovely styles you can choose from and they work


My monochrome hallway makeover

This week my husband and I have been working hard to decorate our hallway. It’s one of the only spaces in the house that has remained untouched since we moved in more than three years ago, so it was looking pretty tired and desperately needed updating. You may remember that


Winter care for chickens & treats for my cats

When I shared tips for taking care of cats during the autumn and winter earlier this week I had a great response and my attention turned to other pets in the family. I thought about the animals we care for who are ‘outside’ pets; in our family we have chickens


My handbag quest

The other day I was sorting through my wardrobe with the aim of getting rid of some of the things I no longer use. I did that and found quite a lot of things I no longer needed, but surprisingly I also realised that I was short on something and

Events & Entertainment

Review of Latitude Festival 2015 + plenty of pics!

Latitude. What a festival. What a wonderful weekend. It was magical, hilarious, nostalgic and happy. And that’s just my experience of the event. I’d love to tell you all about it today and share some of my photos so that you can get an idea of the fun weekend we


Recipe – Homemade pesto from our herb garden

I spent most of yesterday working in the garden. After a week away, followed by a week of poor weather (when I didn’t really fancy working outdoors) the veggie patch had started to look quite neglected. Weeds were sprouting, the runner beans were looking a little too long, and three courgettes had turned into

Cassiefairy's News

Red Ted celebrates winning the Hillarys Craft Competition 2015!

Yesterday, I had some amazing news. The kind that shocks you so much – in a good way – that you can’t speak and simply point to your email when your husband asks “what’s happened?!”. You watch his expression as he reads through the message, looking to spot the moment


A newly landscaped garden & JUST EAT app review

Well, that was a busy half-term week. My family and I spent the week at my mother’s house doing some major landscaping in the garden. We dug the uneven ground, we laid a patio, we shovelled gravel. We drilled, cut and nailed all week in order to create mum’s dream


Interior Design Inspiration – Decorating a Loft Bedroom

Over the years, I have seen many beautiful loft rooms, but mostly in older houses. In the majority of modern homes, the loft space is only used for storage and as somewhere for the water tank. However, I am delighted to say that is now changing. In many parts of


Tuesday Shoesday – A pretty floral wedding outfit

One of my best friend’s wedding is coming up this summer and for once I’ve been really organised and have decided on an outfit in advance. Do you find it difficult to pick out something to wear for weddings? I often find myself on the morning of a big occasion


My new blinds – the finishing touch for bathroom & kitchen

This week my new blinds arrived. Did you hear me whooping from where you are? I was thrilled when they were delivered at the weekend because, after struggling for ages to find suitable roller blinds for the difficult small windows in the kitchen and bathroom, I’d turned to the internet for a


Big Night In ~ Enjoy Gardenbury festival

This weekend I’ve been enjoying watching all the bands and soaking up the atmosphere of Glastonbury. But I’m not forking out for a ticket, I’m not travelling 200 miles and I’m not hanging around in a muddy field. I’ve created my own mini-festival experience in the comfort of my own home –


How does your garden grow? My greenhouse makeover

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been taking on the challenge to give my garden a bit of makeover. The weather is finally lovely enough to encourage me outside and I’ve had the urge to start digging, weeding and planting ready for summer. A trip to the garden centre

Events & Entertainment

10th anniversary of Mean Girls – You go Glen Coco!

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of Mean Girls. The film that got us through our student days is TEN YEARS OLD (yet I’ve not aged a day)  – how did that happen? And why am I still saying ‘fetch’ and pinning ‘You go Glen Coco’ embroidery patterns to my Pinterest boards? Surely

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – The World’s Most Expensive Prom Dresses

Girls all around the globe are beginning to search for the ultimate prom dress, eager to distinguish themselves from their peers while looking grown-up and gorgeous. While some equate elegance with style, and choose bespoke quality to create a lasting impression, others value the price tag when it comes to


Thrifty Recipe- Packing a posh picnic for a day at the races

Dancing in the rain, winning money and drinking bubbly. That was the first time I went to a day at the races. It was a really epic event that I’ll never forget and I’m desperate to go again this year so fingers crossed I’ll be able to get tickets to

Events & Entertainment

Make your own nostalgia

Some occasions you just have to have a get together. Birthdays, weddings and christenings are no-brainers, but there are some other events that simply demand that you make them social. Things like the Eurovision Song Contest, the FA Cup final and the final of the Great British Bake Off are


Pieday Friday Recipe – Cheese & Mustard Scones

Last week I shared some ideas for a couple of thrifty dates for a Valentine’s Day, including a DIY night a the movies and a luxurious afternoon tea. I actually cooked up these cheesy scones as part of my afternoon tea celebration and I wanted to share the recipe with you today


Seasonal sewing projects for winter

While Christmas may be over for another year, I can’t help wishing that winter would stay around a little longer. Since the start of January it feels to me like the magazines are already talking about spring trends and shops are bringing out their summer ranges – even though it’s

Art & Photography

Pets Caught on Camera – My cheeky cat Cookie

I like to think that I’m the boss in my own home, but in reality we all know that its our pets that really rule the house. Well that’s certainly the case here anyway – if Muffin wants to sleep on the bed, I’ll give her a pillow to herself

Good Causes

The last day of my Dryathlon

Today is that last day of January, and therefore it’s the last day of the Dryathlon. And I’m pleased to report that I haven’t touched a drop of drink throughout the whole month! Okay, I’ve still got half a day to go, but I’m confident that I’ll be able to


Packing for a Winter break in a carry on suitcase

The holiday that I’ve been looking forward to all year has finally arrived and we are heading off for a romantic Valentine’s Day break. This 5-day trip is probably the longest break that I’ve ever been on and it has taken a lot of planning – including proper packing…

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – Butterfly Twists

It’s been one of those gorgeous spring mornings today; the sun was shining brightly from 7am and there’s was little fresh dew on the grass. It was so lovely and warm this morning that I even popped out for a quick walk before getting started on my work for the


Pieday Friday – Gousto review

I’m a rubbish chef. I over-cook food to ‘make sure’ it’s done, my pasta always sticks and I leave pans unattended so they end up burnt. In spite of all my Pieday Friday baking, I don’t always get it right and I’m often disappointed by my own cooking. The problem

Events & Entertainment

A Valentine’s Day to remember in Blackpool

Hi everyone, I’m back from the most amazing holiday and can’t wait to tell you all about it. After 14 years together my husband and I took our first ever ‘proper’ holiday lasting a full 5 nights. Yes, even our honeymoon didn’t last that long! Last week we toured from


Ideas for a grown-up bonfire night dinner party

Remember, remember the 5th of November… Tonight is bonfire night and it’s as the celebration is occurring mid-week this year, it seems like the fireworks have been going off all week long! There were displays last weekend and there are definitely more happening this weekend too, with the occasional home


The ultimate party outfit

If you’re planning a glitzy night out and want to find some equally glamorous outfit inspiration, here are my top picks for my own celebration dress and accessories…

My plans for saving money around the house

Your home can be the source of some of your biggest outgoings, but that can also make it a great place to make some big savings. As part of my new year’s resolutions I wanted to start keeping an eye on my budget and save as much money as possible


Create a restful bedroom

Modern life has never been so stressful with the demands of longer working hours, domestic tasks and busy social lives leaving us drained and exhausted. It’s the fast-paced nature of contemporary living that is wearing us out every day so it’s more important than ever that the bedroom is designed

Good Causes

Dryathlon – My first weekend

On the first of January I signed up for the Dryathlon challenge to help raise money for Cancer Research UK and already there have been a few testing times..! The challenge started a 9am on 1st January – luckily for me, because I didn’t think twice about swigging back a glass


Thriftmas Style Blogger Challenge

Earlier this week I was invited to join in with the Thriftmas Style Blogger Challenge, to buy a complete party outfit for the festive season for less than £75 online. Could it be done? There was only one way to find out… I was very excited to give it a

Anniversary parties

Thrifty DIY afternoon tea date for Valentine’s Day

Earlier this week I wrote about my plans for Valentine’s Day and shared an idea for a thrifty DIY date night at the movies – if you missed my post, you can check it out here. With cinema prices rocketing I’ve come up with a way to enjoy a romantic evening


Winter wonderland wedding inspiration

I’ve always loved the idea of a Christmas wedding. Although I got married in the summer, December would have been my second choice. I think that a festive wedding would be great fun to plan; choosing Christmas-themed decorations, using deep red and green colours, and even arriving in a sleigh

Special Occasions

The magnificent North Yorkshire Moors & our stay at Ox Pasture Hall

Over the past week I’ve been sharing photos of the fabulous places that we visited during our ‘West to East’ tour of the north. After a waltz round The Blackpool Tower Ballroom and spending a day exploring historic Harrogate, we headed east for the last stop on our trip, where

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday ~ Favourite shoes from the Cosmo Blog Awards

Just a month ago I was making my way to London to attend one of the most exciting events I’ve ever experienced; the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards. As an avid reader of Cosmo magazine it was the highlight of my blogging career to be nominated in the blog awards and I


Tuesday Shoesday ~ A/W14 footwear inspiration from Fashion magazine

Over the weekend I added a great magazine to my apple newsstand – Fashion magazine A/W14 – which you can download for free. It offered some interesting insights into new season trends and I was especially keen to read about the footwear trends for today’s Tuesday Shoesday blog post. The first

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