
Home & DIY

If you need inspiration for your making your house a home, but have a budget to stick to, you’ve come to the right place.

I too want to be as frugal as possible with the money I invest in my home. I’ve remodelled my own fixer-upper and have shared all the dos and don’ts along the way

Browse through my DIY posts and upcyling projects room-by-room to get advice on renovating your home, inspiration for revamping furniture, and discover thrifty ways to decorate on a budget…



3 Ways to create a distraction-free home office in your garden

How have you found working from home? Have you actually enjoyed it? Have you got more work done? Would you like to continue living the laptop lifestyle? If you’ve become a fan of WFH maybe now’s the time to commit & create a home office for yourself…


Money-saving simple spring spruce-ups for your home

In the spring I love to find new ways to spruce up my home; tidying, decluttering and revamping my interior. Of course, I always want any improvements to be as low-cost as possible so here are some thrifty tips to get your home looking fab for spring…


The Doorganiser: How to DIY a family organiser on a door

To make the most of the understairs cupboard I’ve transformed the door into a ‘doorganiser’ – a place to store essentials, create a weekly planner for the family & write shopping lists. Here’s how to make your own door organiser by upcycling DIY offcuts…


How to DIY a freestanding Snowman target game from pallet wood

Welcome to my festive pallet project! I’ve DIYed a friendly freestanding snowman to adorn your lawn and the best part is that he doubles-up as a family game. I’ve teamed up with DIY website ManoMano to show you how to make this dapper snowman for yourself.


3 Home and garden maintenance tasks to tackle in the autumn

After a long summer relaxing at home and in the garden there will no doubt be a few maintenance tasks that need doing. Some can be added to your spring cleaning list, but others would be good tackle now to keep you safe & happy over the winter months…

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