DIY interiors project – colourful cupboards
Want to inject a bit of colour into your room but don’t want to commit to a complete wall-to-wall makeover? Can I suggest painting the
If you need inspiration for your making your house a home, but have a budget to stick to, you’ve come to the right place.
I too want to be as frugal as possible with the money I invest in my home. I’ve remodelled my own fixer-upper and have shared all the dos and don’ts along the way
Browse through my DIY posts and upcyling projects room-by-room to get advice on renovating your home, inspiration for revamping furniture, and discover thrifty ways to decorate on a budget…
Want to inject a bit of colour into your room but don’t want to commit to a complete wall-to-wall makeover? Can I suggest painting the
When it comes to bathroom planning, which is best? It’s a home-owners’ dilemma and one that I want to get to the bottom of today.
A while ago I shared a blog post about Picquot Ware. In my original post I discussed the ‘lucky find’ my husband and I had
Happy Sunday everyone! I’m taking a rare day off to visit the Ideal Home Show at Olympia this weekend so I asked one of my
Just look at that blue sky out there today. Easter definitely brought a new optimism for the coming seasons with it this year. What started
It’s a common misconception that fruit can only be grown in ‘warmer’ climates. Okay for some fruits this is true but there are so many fruits that you can actually grow yourself in your own garden, even in the British weather!
Who said it will cost a fortune to make your home a home? You don’t always have to spend a pretty penny on kitchenware, although you do get what you pay for in terms of knives and electrical items…
Everybody knows wellington boots are an amazing accessory for any wet day, but unfortunately we tend to find ourselves only wearing them a handful of
The attraction of growing your own vegetables appeals to many people. Whether you’re a trendy hipster with a passion for subsistence living or you have a
It may be wet and snowing outside this morning but no amount of bad weather can dampen my mood. And that’s because I’ve been enjoying
While daydreaming about my future home, I come up with all kinds of ideas in my head. They’re mostly about nifty storage solutions (I have a
Remember my little vintage caravan? It tends to be more of a focus of my blog posts during the summer, because I seem to spend
There are so many ways in which you can utilise your home and garden to get the best from it without having to spend a fortune. Here are a few ways in which you can make the most out of your garden for both yourselves and your little ones.
Since being glued to The Great Interior Design Challenge each evening on BBC2, I’ve become much more interested in seeking out interior design inspiration online.
Refurbishing your kitchen does not always have to be a costly venture. By picking your finishes wisely and by planning and doing certain things yourself, you can really cut your expenses right down.
Whether you’re working in an office environment or you’ve got your own personal space at home, keeping your work area neat can sometimes be a
January feels really long this year, why is that? Even though it’s not been particularly cold or especially dark this year, I’ve still felt like
After packing away all the Christmas decorations, this time of year always gets me thinking about having a good old clear out and a bit
I had some fantastic news over the Christmas break. My blog, my simple little thrifty lifestyle blog, had been nominated for the UK Blog Awards 2016.
While everyone else was putting up their decorations and baking mince pies, I was researching S/S16 interiors trends. While humming along to Christmas carols and
Happy Christmas Eve eve everyone! What have you been up to today? I’ve done my last bit of food shopping (well, I can’t go without
One of my worst nightmares is being cold in the winter, alongside any kind of home maintenance disasters. Christmas is precisely the wrong time for
With the festive season just around the corner I’ve started to tackle some DIY projects to get ready for the big day in advance. After
Now that it’s nearly December (where did November go?!) I think I can legitimately go OTT with Christmas blog posts! In fact, I’ve just added
Most of the year I want my rooms to look more spacious, clean and bright. But when winter looms, I suddenly get the urge to
With my kitchen decorating project nearly complete, my thoughts have turned to some more serious DIY projects – specifically the plumbing. Everything is working well in
Redecorating your home may mean a lot of effort, time, and money spent, but I’ve found that it is still absolutely worth it! Once it’s
Coffee tables tend to be rather simple, there’s not much more to them than a certain shape at a certain height, so you can really
One of the things I love about old houses are the little nooks and crannies you can use for extra storage. The cupboard under the
At this time of year I want to make my bedroom feel as cosy as possible. But I’m not quite ready to go all-out with
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